Living Evidence IHD

Is a knowledge transfer program that seeks to support the building of capacities among the groups, organizations, and institutions that carry out evidence synthesis to inform clinical or health policy decisions, for the incorporation of the “living evidence model” in their usual process, in order to efficiently integrate the most current evidence in guidelines, health technology assessment and evidence summaries that they regularly generate.

Our mission is to ensure health decisions are informed by the most reliable and actual evidence bringing the most current methodological developments and the most innovative technologies to the health sector organizations.

Webinar series on 'Best Practices in Evidence Synthesis'. Did you miss any of them? click here to the video recordings



What we do?

The program has two main development areas. On one hand, we conduct

aimed at improving the production, use and application of the living evidence synthesis in different knowledge transfer scenarios, as well as identifying and evaluating efficient strategies for building capacity among key organizations in the health sector. On the other hand, the program provides
to support both, the building of the capacities among groups and organizations for the production and use of living evidence syntheses to inform health decisions, as well as the generation, maintenance, and periodical reporting of living evidence synthesis necessary to inform living recommendations in clinical practice guidelines, health technology evaluations (living HTA), evidence summaries for institutional or public policies among other applications.


Our methods

Following a "learning by doing" methodology we support groups, organizations and institutions that develop evidence synthesis to inform clinical or health policies decisions, in the production of a living evidence synthesis from its planning phase until the final report going thought the evidence surveillance and monitoring processes.

We use strategies and tools such as the LE-IHD framework and its handbook, to guide groups in applying the appropriate criteria in all steps of the process (i.e. Identification of relevant questions to include in a “living mode”, planning (protocol) the living evidence synthesis, definition and conduct of the baseline synthesis of current evidence, monitoring of emerging evidence and incorporation into the conclusions that inform health decisions) as well as in the key decisions to determine whether or not a question should remain in “live mode”

We provide training in technological enablers that support the surveillance of emerging evidence, by online modules and regular virtual workshops.

We provide user-friendly formats to support each step of the evidence synthesis process, which have been developed following an iterative processes that involved expert consultation, user testing, and implementation as part of their validation process.

Finally, we provide editorial support and peer review for all the evidence synthesis reports generated as part of the process (i.e. Baseline and updates).


About us

We are a group of expert methodologists and health researchers, with extensive experience in the development of evidence synthesis and related products such as clinical practice guidelines, and health technology assessment, among others aimed at supporting the knowledge transfer in health.

Working together with a group of expert advisors and strategic partners, we support our research, validate our processes, and promote the use and application of our developments for health decisions to be based on the most current and reliable evidence.

Our Team

María Ximena Rojas MSc. Ph.D ,
LE-IHD Program Group Leader

Ariadna Auladell-Rispau MSc. Ph.D (c) ,
LE-IHD Research Coordinator

Gerard Urrutia. MD. Ph.D ,
Director Iberoamerican Cochrane Center

Our Partners


Funding & support

The Living Evidence to Inform Health Decisions (LE-IHD) program was developed as part of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie IF Action. Grant agreement No. MSCA-IF-EF-ST #894990 (to María Ximena Rojas).

The program is being coordinated by Maria Ximena Rojas, senior researcher from the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health of the Institut de Recerca de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau – Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau (IIB Sant Pau), cradle of the Ibero-American Cochrane Center and the Barcelona GRADE center in Barcelona, Spain. It is supported by an international group of expert methodologist advisers on topics related to the living evidence synthesis, development of clinical practice guidelines, and health technology evaluations. The LE-IHD program´s projects and developments have received additional financial support from:

  • - Instituto Carlos III (ISC-III) Madrid, Spain, Fondos FEDER. Grant PI21/01564; 2021 call. To the project “Strengthening decision-making capacity in the Spanish Health System through living evidence: An innovative framework”
  • - Agència de gestió d'ajuts universitaris i de recerca (AGAUR), Generalitat de Catalunya. Ajuts d’Indústria del Coneixement (IdC). Modalitat C. Innovadors. Expedient: 2023 INNOV 00016. CIF (G60136934)


Contact us

Living Evidence-IHD Program administrator